至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

以赛亚书 48:5-7 Isaiah 48:5-7
所以,我从古時将明,在未成以先指示你,免得你些事是我的偶像所行的,是我雕刻的偶像和我造的偶像所命定的。你已在要看见这一切;你不 从今以后,我将新事,就是你所不知道的密事指示你。事是今造的,并非从古就有;在今日以先,你也未曾听,免得你事我早已知道了。That is why I told you what would happen; I told you beforehand what I was going to do. Then you could never say, ‘My idols did it. My wooden image and metal god commanded it to happen!’ You have heard my predictions and seen them fulfilled, but you refuse to admit it. Now I will tell you new things, secrets you have not yet heard. They are brand new, not things from the past. So you cannot say, ‘We knew that all the time!’

耶和华会将新事指示我们。他正在创造新事物。事是今造的,并非从古就有;在今日以先,你也未曾听见,我们所不知道的密事。惟有他所拣选的,他会指示于他们知晓。  God is in the process of telling and creating new things. They are brand new, not things from the past, so that they are mysterious to us. Only those whom He chooses to reveal will know them.

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