至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

耶和华必定赐福于遵守他约的人 The Lord blesses those who commit themselves to keep his covenant

以赛亚书 56:3-5 Isaiah 56:3-5
与耶和华联合的外邦人不要:耶和必定将我从他民中分出来。太也不要:我是枯。因耶和如此:那些守我的安息日,我所喜悦的事,持守我的太,我必使他在我殿中,在我内,有念,有名号,比有儿女的更美。我必永遠的名,不能剪除。“Don’t let foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord say, ‘The Lord will never let me be part of his people.’ 
And don’t let the eunuchs say, ‘I’m a dried-up tree with no children and no future.’ For this is what the Lord says: I will bless those eunuchs 
who keep my Sabbath days holy 
and who choose to do what pleases me
 and commit their lives to me. I will give them - within the walls of my house - a memorial and a name 
far greater than sons and daughters could give. For the name I give them is an everlasting one. It will never disappear!

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