至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Friday, August 12, 2011

新心,新开始(壹) Fresh Heart, Fresh Start (1)


Written by Jon Walker, edited by Jerry Goh
August 12, 2011

“神啊,求你我造清的心,使我里面重新有正直(或定)的灵。” 篇 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10


神将无有变为有;他也能将一个破碎、不洁与失败的心改变成一个完美、清洁与满有目的的心。上帝爱我并要将他的恩典浇灌在我心里。他要看见我心里洁白,他要我有得胜的生命 - 所以他非常积极的朔造一个洁白与新的心给我。我的任务是顺服、谦卑与向他求告。


· 上帝洁净了我的心 。他在我里面朔造一颗洁白的心。
· 耶稣的血洁净了我的心,将我的罪洗净了。
· 神将他的灵浇灌了我的心使它圣洁。
· 我的心被神的大能完全与彻底的洗净;我不能没作任何事。


God creates my pure heart, not me. It is his Spirit within me that cleanses and “re-creates” my heart. It is his power, his grace, his hand, his works, his abilities, and his strength that creates this pure heart. My heart becomes pure not because of what I can do, but because of what God has done through the precious blood of Jesus Christ – and what God can do in transforming my heart into what he wants it to be.

As God can create something from nothing; he can also take a heart that is broken, impure, failed and create in its place a heart that is whole, pure, and purposeful.

God loves me and wants to pour out his grace into my heart. He wants to see me pure, and he wants to see me succeed – so much so, that he takes an active role in creating my new, cleansed heart. My role is to submit, humble myself before him and ask for his help.

Think like this: God is the one who purifies my heart. I do not purify my own heart by my noble efforts, by my good thoughts, or by my ability to follow the rules.

Rather :
· My heart is purified by God. He creates a pure heart within me.
· My heart is cleansed by the blood of Christ cleaning away my sins.
· My heart is cleansed by God breathing his Spirit of holiness into me.
· My heart is purified solely, and wholly, by the power of God – and not by anything that I can do.

That is why the only path to a pure heart is to confess my sin and acknowledge my need for his cleansing.

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