至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

面對恐懼 Facing Our Fears

June 22, 2011 — by Albert Lee
(From: Our daily Bread, http://odb.org/ and http://chinese-odb.org/)

士師記612節 Judges 6:12
耶和華的使者向基甸顯現,對他:「大能的勇士啊,耶和華與你同在!」 The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”

讀經: 士師記6章11-23節 Scripture Reading: Judges 6:11-23

這個幽默的故事讓我聯想起基甸。上帝向基甸顯現,稱呼他為「大能的勇士」(士師記612節),並要他將以色列人從米甸人手裡拯救出來 14節)。 但基甸卻懼怕地回答:「我家在瑪拿西支派中是至貧窮的,我在我父家是至微小的」(15節)。 即使上帝告訴基甸,有上帝的幫助他就必能擊敗米甸人(16節), 基甸卻仍然懼怕。於是,基甸祈求上帝顯示跡象,好確認上帝的旨意和授權(17節,36-40節)。為什麼上帝稱膽怯的基甸是個大能的勇士呢? 因為靠著上帝的幫助,膽怯的基甸有一天就會是大能的勇士。
順服聽從主旨意, 就供給所需要;


A mother asked her 5-year-old son to go to the pantry to get her a can of tomato soup. But he refused and protested, “It’s dark in there.” Mom assured Johnny, “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Jesus is in there.” So Johnny opened the door slowly and seeing that it was dark, shouted, “Jesus, can you hand me a can of tomato soup?”
This humorous story of Johnny’s fear reminds me of Gideon. The Lord appeared to Gideon, calling him a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12) and then telling him to deliver Israel out of Midian’s hand (v.14). But Gideon’s fearful reply was, “My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house” (v.15). Even after the Lord told Gideon that with His help he would defeat the Midianites (v.16), he was still afraid. Then Gideon asked the Lord for signs to confirm God’s will and empowerment (vv.17, 36-40). So, why did the Lord address fearful Gideon as a “mighty man of valor”? Because of who Gideon would one day become with the Lord’s help.
We too may doubt our own abilities and potential. But let us never doubt what God can do with us when we trust and obey Him. Gideon’s God is the same God who will help us accomplish all that He asks us to do.

The Lord provides the strength we need
To follow and obey His will;
So we don’t need to be afraid
That what He asks we can’t fulfill. —Sper

We can face any fear when we know the Lord is with us.

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