至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Friday, March 11, 2011

我们是否有属灵的形象但没有力量呢? Do we have the form of spirituality but lack the power of it?

以赛亚书 58:1-5 Isaiah 58:1-5
你要大声喊叫,不可止息;起声来,好像吹角。向我百姓明他的過犯;向雅各家明他的罪。他天天求我,意明白我的道,好像行的国民,不離弃他神的典章,向我求問公的判,喜悦近神。他们说:我禁食,你何不看呢? 刻苦己心,你何不理会呢?
看哪,你禁食的日子仍求利益,勒逼人做苦工。禁食,却互相争,以凶的拳打人。你今日禁食,不得使你的声音听於上。这样禁食是我所、使人刻苦己心的日子 是叫人垂子,用麻布和炉灰在他以下 可称禁食、耶和所悦的日子
“Shout with the voice of a trumpet blast. Shout aloud! Don’t be timid. Tell my people Israel of their sins! Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day
 and seem delighted to learn all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me. ‘We have fasted before you!’ they say. ‘Why aren’t you impressed? We have been very hard on ourselves, and you don’t even notice it!’
“I will tell you why!” I respond. “It’s because you are fasting to please yourselves. Even while you fast, you keep oppressing your workers. What good is fasting 
when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting 
will never get you anywhere with me. You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like reeds bending in the wind. You dress in burlap and cover yourselves with ashes. Is this what you call fasting? Do you really think this will please the Lord?

虚假的行义与不诚心的举动不能带我们到耶和华的面前。他们的过犯是:勒逼人,互相争竞以凶的拳打人,虚伪的行动,虚假的忏悔。这些都是讨自己的喜乐不是讨耶和华的纳。 Pious pretense and acting will not bring us into the presence of the Almighty God. The Lord’s offense against them: oppressing people, inward fighting and quarrelling, the pretense of piety and false display of penitence. It only pleases themselves and not God.

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