至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

一条生命: 一位主宰 One Life: One Master

2012110 January 10, 2012

1.    The challenge facing us today is to stay true to the Master.

2.    We “content earnestly for the faith” by guarding two foundations:

a)    We guard the content of the faith.
“common salvation … once for all entrusted to the saints.” (v.3)
Fight with everything we have so as to be true to our One Master, Jesus Christ.
We have the written word of God – 2 Tim. 3:16-17.
We have the Living word of God – Jesus Christ: Virgin birth, death, resurrection, and second coming.

b)   We guard the conduct of our faith.
“Ungodly persons have crept in unnoticed … turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny our only Master.” (v.4)
Grace of God does not equal freedom for licentiousness.
We must never undermine and devalue the importance of a good Christian conduct. 

Spiritual declension comes in three steps:
(1)    It creeps in unnoticed.
(2)    Sin becomes taken as right and normal.
(3)    Leads to denying Jesus Christ as sovereign Lord and Master.

3. We must content for our faith because change is possible with the Master!


(二)我们接着两个根基 为真道竭力的争辩”:

同得救恩一次交付圣徒的,” ( 三节)
用一切所有权的器具来打圣战, 才能继续跟从我们的主耶穌。
我们有神所赐记栽的话语 - 提后半部3:16-17.
我们有神给我们活生生的话语 - 主耶稣: 生于处女, , 复活, 与再来.

有些人偷著进来,将我们神的恩变放纵情欲的机会,并且不认独一的主宰。” (四节)

1.       它偷偷的进来.
2.       接着罪恶被当为平常, 能够被接受的.
3.       最后就不认主耶稣基督为独一的主宰.

(三)我们必须为我们所信的真道争辩, 因为在主里面它能改变与更新我们!

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