“People are like the grass. Their beauty fades as quickly
as the flowers in a field. The grass withers and the flowers fade
beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”
花草会苦干与凋残, 耶和华的气是永存的。 生命也是短暂的,惟有我们神的话是永遠立定。耶和华创造人的灵魂;虽然肉体会衰弱,败坏与腐烂,灵魂仍然预存。灵魂是宝贵的, 我们要设法将它们带到主的怀里。The grass and flowers are temporary, they can’t compare with the breath of the Lord that lasts forever. People’s lives are the same, they are temporary, they can’t be compared to the word of God that is permanent and stands forever. Yet God has created the human spirit and it will remain after their body weakens, decays and rots away like the grass and flowers of the field. This spirit is precious and we need to do our very best to ensure they are safe in the bosom of the Lord.
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