至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Monday, May 30, 2011

礼拜天在教会听到的信息 Sermon Heard in Church on Sunday

May 29, 2011

讲员:噶宾读俄深 Speaker: Gavin Duerson

使命能够达成的原因 The reasons why mission is possible

(一)  耶和华是个使命的神。他差主耶稣到这个世界来,耶稣也差我们到世界去传他的福音。从史以来,神差遣他的先知,祭司,使徒,男女为他救恩的发言人。约翰福音2021
(二)  要为服侍与使命释放神的恩赐。教会里的领袖不只是牧师,也有使徒,先知,教师与传导人。他们都是神所拣选的领袖,服侍他的教会。以弗所书41113
(三)  “去”是为每一个信徒而说的,不单单是向传导人而言。我们要从使命的工作转向神的使命。就是说, 我们不只是分派一些人去传福音,而是整个教会要参与神的使命。马太福音281920
(四)  从向心的心志转向离心的心志。神召以色列国为众国的光;高山上的城市不能被隐视。神召我们不是要当教堂座位的温软和居留者;而是叫我们成为仆人与差遣者。马太福音51416
(五)  从加数的思想转向倍增的想法。主耶稣用五饼二鱼倍增喂饱五千人教导我们神的使命是要使众人听他的福音,并经历他的救恩, 不只是一宗一派。提摩太后书22
(六)  从知识基础的信仰转向顺从实行的基督教生活。顺从主耶稣的话不是守法主义制度。路加福音646,约翰福音1423
(七)  在神使命的中心是个心。箴言423 说,我们生命一切的思想与果效,是由心发出。让耶和华的慈爱成为我们服侍与使命的动机。没有人能改变我们的心去跟随耶和华与实行他的使命。让我们模范主耶稣。他他的食物是遵行神的旨意,并做成他的工。约翰福音434

1.     God is missionary God. He sent Jesus into the world and Jesus in turn sent us into the world. Throughout history, he has been sending prophets, priests, apostles, men and women to be the spokespeople of his good news of salvation. John 20:21

2.     Releasing the APEs for ministry and mission. The pastor is not the only leader in the church; apostles, prophets, preachers, teachers and evangelists are all leaders in their field of gifting. Ephesians 4:11-13

3.     “Go” is for every believer, not only the missionaries. Moving from missions to Mission. We don’t just set aside some people to do mission work. The whole church is involved in God’s mission. Matthew 28:19-20

4.     Moving from centripetal (Come mentality) to, centrifugal (Go mentality). Israel was called to be a light to the nations; a city on a hill cannot be hidden. We are called not to be pew warmers and stayers; we are called to be servants and senders. Matthew 5:14-16

5.     Moving from addition to multiplication. Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fishes to feed thousands. God’s mission is to reach the multitudes, not just one tribe or one nation. 2 Timothy 2:2

6.     Moving from knowledge-based faith to obedience-based Christianity. Obedience to Jesus is not legalism. Luke 6:46, John 14:23.

7.     The heart is at the heart of mission. Proverbs 4:23, it is out of the heart that flows the issues of life. Let the love of God be the motivation for our ministry and mission. No one can change your heart to follow God and fulfill his mission. Let us follow Jesus who said his food is to do the will that God sent him and to finish his work. John 4:34

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