至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

耶和华的应许与保护 The Lord’s promise and protection

以赛亚书49: 8-12 Isaiah 49:8-12
耶和如此:在悦的時候,我允了你;在拯救的日子,我助了你。我要保你,使你作众民的中保 (约);复遍地,使人承受荒凉之地那被捆的人:出来吧!那在黑暗的人露吧!他在路上必得食,在一切光的高必有食物。不不渴,炎和烈日必不害他;因怜恤他的必引到水泉旁。我必使我的众山成大道;我的大路也被修高。看哪,些从遠方来;些从北方、从西方来;些从秦国来。“At just the right time (the Day of the Lord’s favor), I will respond to you. On the day of salvation I will help you. I will protect you and give you to the people
as my covenant (my mediator) with them. Through you I will reestablish the land of Israel 
and assign it to its own people again. I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’ They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures
and on hills that were previously bare. They will neither hunger nor thirst. The searing sun will not reach them anymore. For the Lord in his mercy will lead them;
he will lead them beside cool waters. And I will make my mountains into level paths for them. The highways will be raised above the valleys. See, my people will return from far away, from lands to the north and west, and from as far south as Egypt.”

耶和华必于信实成若他的应许。他必保护他的子民,使他们不受到危害,并带他们到青草地与溪水旁边。他不会让他们受到饥饿或口。 他会赐丰盛的福分于他子民。The Lord is faithful to his promise and brings it to pass. The Lord protects his people from harm, and will lead them into green pastures. He will not let them go hungry or thirst, but will bless them abundantly.

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