至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

注意标志 Pay Attention To Signs


金句:「拿怎尼尼微人成了神迹,人子也要照 世代的人成了神迹。」(路加福音11章30节)
有一次,我和丈夫杰开去探访他的父。他住在南卡州。当路况很好,一路都很利。直到我穿西州的山区,我开始看到一些道的 志。但是杰一直往前开,因此我便假那些警示与我无关。我快抵达北卡,遇到一警示牌,写着 由于落石,前面的高速公路已被封,我。杰很异,想知道:「什么都没有任何警示?」我: 「一路有很多警示牌,道你没有看?」他:「没有啊,你什么不提醒我呢?」我回答: 「我以你看到了啊!」在,我常把个故事当 成笑料说给朋友听。
纵观史,上帝曾提供了多「志」,告心意而活,但是人仍偏行己路。最,上帝差的儿子到世上(路加福音11章30 ),宗教却不注意的警示。因的生活安逸,受人敬重和尊崇(43),所 以憎人家(45)。
也可能和法利人一,当生活于要我 悔改和脱离罪的生活的警示,我往往都会忽。我须记住:即使生活看来利,我也可能活在罪 中。(JAL)

悔之人。 Sper
April 12, 2011
The road was smooth and we were making good progress as we headed for Jay’s dad’s house in South Carolina. As we drove through the mountains in Tennessee, I began seeing detour signs. But Jay kept going, so I assumed that they didn’t apply to us. Shortly before we reached the North Carolina border, we came to a sign that said the highway ahead was closed due to a rock slide. We would have to turn around. Jay was surprised. “Why wasn’t there any warning?” he wanted to know. “There were lots of warnings,” I said. “Didn’t you see the signs?” “No,” he said, “why didn’t you mention them?” “I assumed that you saw them,” I answered. We now tell this story to entertain our friends.
Throughout history, God provided plenty of “signs” to show people the way to live, but they kept going their own way. When God finally sent His Son as a sign (Luke 11:30), the religious leaders paid little attention to His warnings. Life for them was good. They were recognized and respected (v.43). They resented being told that they were wrong (v.45).
We can be the same way. When life is going well, we tend to ignore warnings that we need to turn around and change our sinful ways. It’s important to remember that we may be wrong even though life is good.
God gives us warnings to prevent

What comes from falling into sin;
But if we do ignore—and fall—

Confession cleanses us within. —Sper  
God sends warnings to protect us, not to punish us.

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