至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Friday, April 8, 2011

我们不可忘记那拯救我们的救主 Let us remember the God who saved and rescued us

以赛亚书 63:11-14 Isaiah 63:11-14
那時,他想起古時的日子 摩西和他百姓,:将百姓和牧养他全群的人从海里上来的在哪里呢?将他的圣灵降在他的在哪里呢? 使他荣耀的膀臂在摩西的右手,在他前面将水分開,要建立自己永遠的名,带领過深,如行走野,使他不致跌的在哪里呢? 耶和的灵使他得安息,彷佛牲畜下到山谷;照,你也引你的百姓,要建立自己荣耀的名。 Then they remembered those days of old
 when Moses led his people out of Egypt. They cried out, “Where is the one who brought Israel through the sea, with Moses as their shepherd? Where is the one who sent his Holy Spirit
to be among his people? Where is the one whose power was displayed 
when Moses lifted up his hand - the one who divided the sea before them, making himself famous forever? Where is the one who led them through the bottom of the sea? They were like fine stallions racing through the desert, never stumbling. As with cattle going down into a peaceful valley, the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest. You led your people, Lord, and gained a magnificent reputation.”

让我们记住这事: 耶和华将我们从捆绑中释放,使我们得自由。他将我们从罪恶救出,施行他伟大的救恩。他带领我们从逼迫中得到自由。耶和华是他的名。 他已经自己建立荣耀的名。 Let us remember the Lord who has led his people out of captivity into liberty. He is the One who has led us out of sin’s grasp into salvation. He has led us from oppression into freedom. The Lord is his name and he has gained a magnificent reputation for what he has done!

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