(From: Our daily Bread, http://odb.org/ and http://chinese-odb.org/)
路加福音19章10节 Luke 19:10
人子来,为要寻找、拯救失丧的人。The Son of Man has come to seek
and to save that which was lost.
多年来,亚伦.方特所主持的电视节目「隐藏摄影机」(Candid Camera),以隐藏的摄影机捕捉一般人在不预期的情况下做出的滑稽反应,取悦了无数观众。至于他们为何采用这种方式,亚伦.方特的儿子彼得说:「我们相信人是美好的,所以我们要确认这一点。」然而,彼得认为其他类似的节目对人的看法却是:「人是愚蠢的,所以我们要想办法强调这一点。」他的评论指出了一件事,那就是我们对人的看法决定了我们待人的方式。
当耶稣去到税吏长撒该的家中作客时,耶利哥城的人都感到不平。「众人看见,都私下议论说:『祂竟到罪人的家里去住宿』」(路加福音19章7节)。 然而当撒该在心里彻底悔改之后(8节),耶稣对他说:「今天救恩到了这家 … 人子来,为要寻找、拯救失丧的人」(9-10节)。
让祢寻回失丧的灵魂。 Harrison
For many years, Allen Funt’s Candid Camera television
program delighted viewers by using a hidden camera to catch the often hilarious
reactions of ordinary people to unexpected situations. Their approach,
according to his son Peter was: “We believe people are wonderful (good), and
we’re out to confirm it.” Peter feels the perspective of some other similar
shows is that “people are stupid, and we’re going to find ways to underscore
His comments point out that our view of people determines how we
treat them.
The citizens of Jericho were offended when Jesus went to the
home of Zacchaeus the tax collector. “When they saw it, they all complained,
saying, ‘He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner’” (Luke 19:7).
Yet, when Zacchaeus had a deep change of heart (v.8), Jesus told him, “Today salvation
has come to this house . . . for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save
that which was lost” (vv.9-10).
My friend Bob Horner says, “When
we see people as losers, we treat them with contempt. When we see them as lost,
we treat them with compassion.” Jesus doesn’t see losers, only lost people He
loves. When we look at others, who do we see?
Oh, give me, Lord, Your love for souls,
For lost and wandering sheep,
That I may see the multitudes
And weep
as You did weep. - Harrison
Those who have been found should seek the