至于我和我家人,我们必定事奉上帝。 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What is the measure of your life? “你的生命算什么呢?”

49128  Genesis 49:1-28 

序言: 我要来了!
有一位在教会实习的神学生,他第一次在一叫会,当他有关耶再来的,到了一半,什么,也非常激, 我要来了! 我要来了! 我要来了! 在第三次的,突然,他推倒,跌到在台下,幢到台下的老婆婆,就赶快,” 不起,不起,不起!”我不是故意的!婆婆那年传导:”婆婆, “不用向我, 不起你已三次的提醒我,”我要来了可是我自己不相信而已|| 今天, 我要向坐在前面第一排的人保, 如果 我会不什么, 我会用四次来提醒你, 加倍时间! 所以,不用要怕!

一个人在个世界活了很多年,他要来到他生命的末期的,他他的生命有几那种的看法:(1)他可能后悔的感-因他可能有很多划和事情他要去做的,但是他在不能去做了。(2) 他也可能要离开世界件事存有惧怕的心情,不知道他那里去, 是去天堂, 或者是去(3) 他也有可能,像多人,在没有离开世界以前-将他自己的生命理妥当, 比如去环绕世界、或一本或笔或自、而且将他所有的孩子召来, 将他的后事交代清楚、财产也分他的子女。就是雅各所做的。他活到147岁临死之前,他的孩子召,们说他最后的

4912, 我们读雅各叫了他的儿子来,:「你都来聚集,我好把你日后必遇的事告。雅各的儿子,你要聚集而听,要听你以色列的。”



当我在看49。通常人给这: 雅各他的12个儿子祝福! 但是,若是我们更深入的来看,我们就发觉到, 雅各不但有祝福,他也有责备,他也有。什么是祝福责备?

祝福 - , 雅各祈求神他孩子福气
责备 - 是以前, 雅各责备他孩子以前的过错
- 是将来的, 雅各好把他孩子日后必遇的事告

今天,要与大家分享: 你的生命算什么

(1) 你的生命有多少数量?或者分量呢?
(2) 你的生命有什么量呢?或者你的生命有何价呢?

(A) 你的生命有多少数量呢?

(49:3-4 )
(49:5-7) 3,
每人 1 ½
(22-26)  5
(27) 1


什么呢?因生命的 数量非常多、非常丰、非常有分量。所以,爸爸死之前,有很多话对们说

4928 ,“一切是以色列的十二支派;也是他的父亲对所祝的福,都是按著各人的福分祝福。”

就是他们领受不同数量的祝福的秘密 - 就是,“按著各人的福分祝福。”是怎才算是“按个人的福分”呢?我要提醒我上个礼拜,Pastor Jack 们讲的信息,雅各怎祝福拿西以法?拉西是子,雅各用他的双手,交叉,将他的右手放在以法上,左手放在拉西上。也是,“按著各人的福分祝福”的比雅各话满有效力,是来祝福,并且也是说预;就是后来,将来所要的事情,向他每一个孩子来作

亲爱的兄弟姊妹,你活到这样大的年,你的生命存有多少呢? 是不是好像雅各10个儿子,只能(e-tit)用一两句来形容你一生的生命,或者你能(e-tit)用五句或六句来形容你的生命呢?主耶稣说 他来了是赐给每一相信他的有一个丰盛的生命。1010)。 你得到个生命?你是否享受丰盛的生命呢?

经说按著各人的福分祝福”不但是数量的祝福来而已,更重要的是,按著各人的福分祝福”也是 的祝福


是的,我的生命的数量与素不在乎我的食物、喝的西、穿的衣服、住的房子、。我们对这些都有需要。是我生命的一部分。可是,生命更重要的另外一部分是叫: 品格或称 品德 是我生命里面的素


(B) 你的生命有什么量呢?
- 或者你的生命有何价呢?


1. 流便 -是犯奸淫之子,身为长, 他是雅各,力量壮的候生的,本当大有尊荣,力超众。493但他不洁净,他也企在家中霸占父的地位与威。因,“他上了你父的床污秽了他父的榻。”4934他的父亲就责备他,使,必不得居首位” (49:4)

第一个儿子是奸淫之子, 他失去了长子的名分与地位。我来看接下来的两个儿子。

2. 西 利未是弟兄。暴力之子 -因的怒气冲天, 残忍残暴;他的怨恨忿的心真害人命,残忍的 。他仇恨谋杀了替妹妹仇,就将全城的人完全死。(34) 多端, 同心的人,雅各就们这分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。”(497

3. 犹大必会被他的弟兄们赞美,他父,雅各也没有一句不好听的犹大是个君王,像森林的带领以色列国。他出来必定有一位叫细罗【就是平安者】来到,万民都必归顺。” (4910

4.   西布是个避他住在海口,成为给船安歇,水手休息的地方。(49:13

5.     是一只壮的子, 是受苦的仆人,成一个做牛做的族群,有能力壮的抬重担。 (49:1415

6.     是道上的蛇,路中的毒蛇,咬倒路上的人 。他也必判断他的子民。(49:1617

7.     迦得是得。他被敌军追逼,但他却要反败为胜,制服他的人。(49:19

8.     亚设。他的地必出又肥又美的粮食,供应给君王香甜的食品。49:20

9.     拿弗他利 是一只自由的母鹿,很会生育鹿子;他言温柔 。(49:21

10.           是多果子的枝,是水泉旁多果的枝子;他的枝条探出外。

11.  便雅是个撕掠,早晨要吃他所抓的,晚上要分他所的。(49:27

亲爱主内的兄弟姐妹,从雅各12个儿子这样长形容请问是不是有些 品德是你渴慕要成你自己的呢?也有那些我要的呢?若我们有流便、西、利未、但、或便雅的坏行和习惯 像犯色情罪、怨恨怒、残酷、暴力、像毒蛇攻人,或狼,一直等着攻击别可能今天,我需要来到神的面前罪悔改,他赦免与原的罪

若在我的生命里,有了像犹大、西布迦、迦得、亚设、拿弗他利和瑟的好品德,学带领、服侍、关怀坚强毅力、努力的、与好果子,那么美神,并且继续你周的人的祝福 -因为这神要你做的。

在,我来看最后的一点, 但是先来看一部video

故事:三只小猪 (video)- (是广东话的video)

video是我很熟悉的,但是它教非常重要的功 -我用什么来建造我的房屋就决定了我的房屋会很容易倒塌

我要建议这间屋子就是你的生命, 那些建筑材料代表你培养你的生命所用的素和品德

(C) 你要用什么材料培养你的生命呢?    
在哥林多前3 , 使徒保罗说是我信仰的根基,是不会摇动. 如果有人想要在你的信仰扑另外一个根基, 是没有用,没有可能的。 但是我主耶是我的救主, 他是我的根基。感! , 要建立在根基上的房屋是靠我要用什么材料了。

在哥林多前3:12-15 - 提到两种不同的材料:
(1)  第一种材料是 , , 宝石 - 些是重, 的材料, 是有能力的考, 能力在大大浪中站起的材料。
(2)  第二种材料是- 木材,稻草, 禾秸 (chek) - ,和不值钱的材料火一来, 就会把它们烧毁 一来, 也会坍塌

请问: 你的信心是用什么的材料建立的呢?

我提,属灵的材料像金,和宝石包括以下的西: 包括心灵,诚实, , 信心, , 此外, 还有以下的永久材料:

1)    上帝的 - 要常常, 就是每天,若你不会, 就听圣, 是我们属灵生命的粮食
2)    祷告 - 们应当常常喜,不停祷告,凡事感恩。祷告就好像我灵命的呼吸。如果我不祷告, 的灵命就没有活气可以用五个手指, 来帮忙与培养我祷告的习惯
3)    服神 - 就是不只是做听道的人, 也是要做行道的人。 如果我每个礼拜来教会听神的, 每天, 但是不按着圣去作, 行事, 的生命不会改
4)    神做美好的见证 - 在我的日常生活里,机会接触人,可以向他做的事情, 在我身上所行的神迹奇事,多么好,怎帮助我就是主做见证
5)    神做好事,在人的面前有好行 - 太福音5:16,“ 的光也当这样照在人前,叫他的好行,便将荣耀归给在天上的父。”

亲爱的主内兄弟姊妹, 当中有一些年, 大多数的是比老的  那些有年, 活了很多年了,当我回想, 们觉 - 是真的, 生命就好像一, 它很快的来, 也很快的就就好像雅各4:14 , 的生命就像一片云, ,就消失了 所以, , 做有智慧人, 一生一世来跟随主, 使用固的材料来培养我的生命

在我的后面的, 和在我的前面的, 与在我的相比, 都是小事情” (安德伸)

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Anderson)

一手来提醒, 也与主: 一生一世要跟随主

歌曲:  “一世人跟随你

亲爱的天父上帝,您今天提醒我:生命是宝须谨, 有智慧的的生命, ,, 就会有怎收成你帮助我使用永恒的材料来建立我的生命。感,靠耶穌得的名。啊!

When a person has lived his life for many years and then comes to the end of his life, there could be several different responses. (1)He could feel regretful – that he has many plans and many things in life that he wanted to do but he had not been able to do them. (2) Or he could be fearful that he is leaving this world, and not knowing where he is going. (3) Or he could, like many people do, get ready for his coming eventuality – by taking stock of his life, such as writing a book or biography, and calling all his children together to give them his final instructions and distribute his inheritance. This was what Jacob did.

In Genesis 49:1-2, we read, Then Jacob called together all his sons and said, “Gather around me, and I will tell you what will happen to each of you in the days to come. “Come and listen, you sons of Jacob; listen to Israel, your father.”

Jacob wanted to be a responsible father to his 12 children. He did not want to leave things undone and unspoken, but clearly leave words of instructions for all his children. Here, these words are the words of blessing from a father to his children, at his deathbed. The last words of any person are very important; they the wishes, the last wishes of the person, and they carry power. Let us look at what Jacob said to his 12 children.

I would like to discuss two questions with you are we look at the last words of Jacob spoken during the last day of his life in Genesis Chapter 49,

1.     What is the quantity of your life?
2.     What is the quality  of your life?

A. Firstly, What is the quantity of your life?

We discover that in Genesis chapter 49, Jacob knew that he was about to leave this world, so these are the last words of Jacob to his sons, and we all know that the “last words” are very important words, both in the Hebrew culture and in Chinese culture. They are, you might say, his last blessings or “yu zhu” for his sons. To the Chinese, it is often the time to distribute the old man’s inheritance or “fen jia chang.”

When we read about the “blessings” of Jacob for his 12 sons, some of them were actually not blessings, but they are really Jacob’s “pronouncements of judgment” of the lives of his sons, and prophecies concerning what would happen to them in future. Some of them are short others are long.

The quantity of life of Jacob’s 12 sons could be described just one OR a few verses, as follows:

1.     Reuben – (v.3-4) 2 verses
2.     Simeon – (v. 5-7 3 verses,
3.     Levi     -    each 1 ½ verses)
4.     Judah – (v. 8-12) 5 verses
5.     Zebulun – (v. 13) 1 verse
6.     Issachar – (v. 14-15) 2 verses
7.     Dan – (v. 16-17) 2 verses
8.     Gad – (v. 19) 1 verse
9.     Asher – (v. 20) 1 verse
10  Naphtali – (v. 21) 1 verse
1    Joseph – (v. 22-26) 5 verses
12  Benjamin – (v. 27) 1 verse

Each and everyone of Jacob’s 12 sons received some kind of blessing or comments but we could clearly see that there is a difference in the quantity of each of the lives of Jacob’s 12 sons. Why? The Bible tells us in verse 28:

“All these are the 12 tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.”

This is the secret to why the quantity of blessing is different for each of them – that it is given “appropriate” to them. In what way is it appropriate? I would like to remind us of Pastor Jack’s message to us last week. In it, he talks about how He blessed Manasseh and Ephraim. Although Manasseh was the older son, but Jacob crossed his hand and put his right hand of blessing on Ephraim, and his left hand on Manasseh. This again is an example of how he gave “each the blessing appropriate to him.” They were both to be words of appropriate blessings, as well as words of prophecy.

The appropriateness of Jacob’s blessings (and curses) for his 12 children not only applies to the quantity of the blessings, but also applies to the quality of the blessings.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Gospels that a man’s life is not made up of the abundance of his possessions. (Luke 12:15)

Thus, let us look at our second question: What is the quality of your life?

B. What is the quality of your life?

Again, as we look at the lives of Jacob’s 12 sons, they are very different.

1.     Reuben - A son of adultery, uncleanness, one who tried to usurp his father’s authority in the home.
One who defiled his father’s bed. Well, in today’s context, do we have such things happening in our Chinese society, I am sure there are such things going on. This first son is guilty of adultery. Now let’s look at the next two sons.

2.     Simeon and Levi – Two sons of violence because they could not control their temper and it turned into violent acts of murder.
They are vengeful and cruel. They killed the whole city of Shechem to revenge the rape committed by one man upon their sister.

3.     Judah – Jacob had all praise but no negative words for Judah. He was to be the Ruler, a lion, and one who rules like the lion rules as the king of the jungle.

4.     Zebulun – A haven for ships and seafarers.

5.     Issachar – A slave that bears heavy burdens.

6.     Dan – A serpent, viper and judge of those who passed by.

7.     Gad – A fighter who comes from the back to win.

8.     Asher – A supplier of rich food for nobles and kings.

9.     Naphtali – A doe that is free and productive.

10 Joseph – A fruitful vine that bears good fruit and is blessed with abundant blessings.

11 Benjamin – A ravenous wolf that devours its prey and divides its plunder.

Dear brothers and sister in Christ, of the long list of descriptions given by Jacob to his sons, which of the qualities do you wish to become your own? Which one do you wish to describe your life too?

If we have the bad qualities of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan and Benjamin, if we have been involved in sexual sins, acts of violence, cruel, a vicious serpent that attacks others or a ravenous wolf that preys on people and takes advantage of them, perhaps today, we need to come before God to admit our sins, and ask for his forgiveness.

If we have the good qualities of Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Gad, Asher, Naphtali and Joseph, if we have been living our life in the way of the Lord, if we are growing in the qualities of leadership, security, servanthood, care, helpfulness, good fighting spirit, productivity and fruitfulness, then give praise to God and continue to be a blessings to people around you.

Let us look closely at the passage again. Very obviously, two persons stand out: Judah and Joseph. They are examples of the 2 sons of Jacob whose life are well-lived, full of quantity and quality. Let us take a much closer look at them.

Jacob’s Son
Prophecy, good remarks
Prophecy, judgment
4th son
(Son of Leah)
Praise by brothers, feared by enemies by honored and worshiped by relatives. Described as a victorious young lion; a restful lion he crouches; and a lioness feared by all. A ruler who will produce descendants of rulers, until the One whom all nations will honor. He ties his foal to a vine – the fruitfulness of the land so that he does not worry about his foal (ass) eating from the choicest vine. He washes his clothes in wine – meaning the abundance of wine at this time, even enough to use for washing clothes. The phrase, “His eyes darker than wine and teeth whiter than milk” seems to refer to the leader’s beauty, and also the abundance of these two commodities.  
No negative prophecy.

Note: Even though he was NOT the firstborn, he has taken over Reuben’s place in inheriting the rights of the firstborn – this is significant in Israel’s early history.
Joseph could compare with Judah in receiving the best and most blessings from Jacob his father. But he will face plenty of attacks and harassments. But God grant him help upon help. The Mighty One, Shepherd and Rock will come to strengthen his arm and bow, and be his help and rescue. He will shower him with blessing upon blessing – of heavens above, watery depths below, and of human breast and womb on earth, and of his father, “surpass the blessings of the ancient mountains, reaching to the heights of the eternal hills.” He is a prince among his brothers.
No negative comments.
Note: While Judah was promised to become the royal king, Joseph was to be the prince – this is significant in Israel’s early history.

Now let’s go on to our final point, but before that, let us watch a video.

Story: (The story of the three little pigs)

The story of the three little pigs are very familiar – but it teaches us a very important lesson. What you use to build the house will determine whether your house will remain or not. May I suggest that the house is your life, and the materials you use to build your life are the qualities and character that you seek to cultivate for your life.

C. What do you want to build your life on?

In 1 Corinthians 3, the Apostle Paul says that Jesus Christ is our firm foundation and it cannot be shaken. If anyone tries to lay another foundation for your faith other than Jesus Christ, then, it is useless. But, as a Christian, we have professed our faith in Jesus Christ, and He is our foundation. But now, what kind of building we build on this foundation depends largely on the kind of materials that we use to build on this foundation.

In 1 Corinthians 3: 12-15, Paul described to us 2 categories of materials:
1. Wood, hay and rubble – these are very light and cheap materials.
They will not be able to stand the testing of fire, they cannot stand when the powerful storms

2. Gold silver and precious stone – these are the heavy materials and they are things that will stand the fire, and the storms of life.

Let me suggests that the spiritual materials that look like gold, silver and precious stones include these things:
(1) The word of God - Read and immerse yourself in the word of God, for they are your spiritual food, and life.
(2) Prayer – Engage in prayer. Pray for others and for yourself. Like what Ps Gilbert always say, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks.
(3) Obey and submit to God. Be a person who obeys the Word – Don’t just read the word but live out the word.
(4) Be a good testimony for the Lord. Always find opportunity to tells others what God has done for you, and how good God is to you.
(5) Be engage in good works both to Christians and outsiders – We are created for good works in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:10. Let you light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God in heaven. Mt. 5:16.

Question: What materials do you use to build upon your faith?

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, among us are younger people, and many older people. Some of us have lived many years already, and when we reflect back, we find that indeed, life is but a dream, it comes so fast and goes equally fast. Like what James said: It is like a vapor, or the grass or the flower.

Therefore, let us be wise – live our lives circumspectively before God. Because, it is only when we have God, then we have hope. Like the song goes:

But like me, even though you have live the most part of your life, there are still many tomorrows. There is still, tomorrow, and tomorrow’s tomorrows, if the Lord tarries, and if He gives us many more years to live.

So, the life we have lived is already past, we cannot change anything, but … BUT the life that is still before us, we can do something about it. Do we want to live like many of Jacob’s sons who squandered away their lives and obtained a curse from their father, or do we want to live our lives like Joseph and Judah, who received the blessings of God? Do we want to build our life on wood, hay or rubble OR on gold, silver or precious stones?

Remember the words that I have read from Watchman Nee’s book – on “a certain kind of man” (and woman). It is that which is in you that matters most. What are you made of? Wood, hay or stubble, or gold silver or precious stones?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Anderson)

When the day comes, we will all stand before God’s Judgment seat, and all of us will have to answer for who we are and what we have done. (Romans 14:12)

Let us pray.

In our midst, there may be some of us who have never have Jesus Christ as the foundation stone of your life. You have never believed in Him as your personal Savior and Lord. Today I wish to give you an opportunity to say yes, “I want Jesus to be the foundation of my life.” All other foundations will not stand the test when we stand before God at judgment day. If you are that person, I want to invite you to say yes to Jesus today.

While heads are bow and eyes close, I want to ask you to say this prayer with me:
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I want to believe in you as my savior and Lord, please come into my life and be the foundation stone of my life. In your name, Amen!”

Now, let us remain bow and eyes close. I want to invite those who wish to live a life that is abundant and fruitful to pray this prayer with me. Those who have just invited Jesus to be their savior and Lord can also pray together: Let us pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for reminding us today that life has its consequences, that we will be reap what we sow, that how we live our life, it will come back to us. Please help us to build our life on things that will last for eternally, to build on gold, silver and precious stones, thank you Lord, in Jesus Name. Amen!